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Found 19308 results for any of the keywords affirmative action alert. Time 0.008 seconds.
Cara Crotty: Constangy, Brooks, Smith Prophete, LLPCara advises employers on ways to avoid litigation and has defended employers in cases involving virtually every aspect of the employment relationship, including discrimination, harassment, and retaliation claims and var
Robin Shea: Constangy, Brooks, Smith Prophete, LLPRobin is editor in chief of Constangy s legal bulletins and its four law blogs Affirmative Action Alert, California Snapshot, Cyber Advisor, and Employment Labor Insider.
Diversity, Equity Inclusion: Constangy, Brooks, Smith Prophete, LLConstangy's Diversity, Equity Inclusion Practice Group is committed to assisting organizations through the transformative process of cultivating a workplace culture founded on the principles of diversity, equity, inclu
Cara Crotty Presents Webinar on OFCCP Audits: Constangy, Brooks, SmithIn this session, we do a deep dive into the information that must be submitted to the OFCCP, discuss strategies for preparing for an OFCCP compliance evaluation, and how to emerge from an audit unscathed.
Christopher Malpartida: Constangy, Brooks, Smith Prophete, LLPChristopher (Chris) is an attorney in the Chicago office focused on assisting employers with employment litigation prevention and defense. He is experienced in defending against claims of harassment, discrimination, wron
Federal Court vacates minimum salary level increase: Constangy, BrooksThe vacatur applies to all employers nationwide. It is not limited to the parties in the case, or to the jurisdiction of the court.
Workplace Investigations: Constangy, Brooks, Smith Prophete, LLPResponding quickly and effectively to workplace complaints, including allegations of harassment, discrimination, or misconduct, is crucial for maintaining a positive employee experience, identifying problem personnel or
Navigating Data Breach Regulations: Interactive Maps Desktop ReferenThe information provided in the map is meant to serve as a helpful guide and is not intended to be legal advice.
Kimberly Seten: Constangy, Brooks, Smith Prophete, LLPKim also works with employers to develop strategies for addressing union issues, including running union avoidance campaigns, negotiating collective bargaining agreements, and administering labor contracts. She represen
Cybersecurity Data Privacy: Constangy, Brooks, Smith Prophete, LLPThe Constangy Cyber Team proudly serves as an authorized member of the NetDiligence Breach Coach Program, as it is closely engaged with cyber insurers to minimize cyber losses.
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